Another Lake City, TN soldier killed overseas
Local media is reporting the death of soldier Jason Hovater, who was serving in Afghanistan, over the weekend. He was reportedly originally from Lake City, TN, my hometown. I didn't know Jason and I don't know his family but my heart goes out to them and I hope you'll join me in praying for his family, including his parents and young bride.
Here's some links to the breaking news stories on Jason Hovater:
The Knoxville News-Sentinel
A little more than one year ago, David "Tiger" Connell, also of Lake City, was killed in Iraq. If you want to read about him, links to several stories are posted below.
Paying tribute to our war heroes
Slain soldier to be remembered at Lake City Veterans Day ceremony
Connell laid to rest at Arlington
Fallen soldier honored
Obituary for James David Connell Jr.
Soldier's funeral to be held Friday
Soldier dies in Iraq