My review
rating: 5 of 5 stars
Once again, a well written book of characters and situations by Neta Jackson. I feel like I'm visiting good friends when I open one of these books and at this point in my life, I need that.
This time I identified with Adele. At the risk of spoiling it for some potential readers I'll say that she and I suffered the same drastic life change recently. Add the following Baxter family tragedy and you'll know that on at least two nights of reading I was sobbing. But they were cleansing tears.
I particularly related to the realization of the Baxter family about how God works through major changes in our lives. I hold fast to that thought.
This is my favorite book in the series, following the very first one.
I'm going to a Christian women's conference in May and I'm going to be disappointed if I don't connect with some of the ladies the way these ladies do.
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